15 Best Business Books For Beginners (2021)

We handpick the best business books to improve your entrepreneur life. We are so happy to have you here with us because we are about to share with you the 15 best business books for beginners that will help you if you’re starting as an entrepreneur and are in search of as much guidance as possible. Being in business, and especially in a successful one, is no easy feat, you have to continually solve problems about money, staff, operations, suppliers, and many other things depending on the nature of your business. We don’t want to make this intro super long with details about starting in business because we could seriously go on all day. So, let’s cut this one short and jump straight in and find out which are the best business books for beginners you can find on the market.

Best Business Books for entrepreneur ideas 2021

  1. The E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber

Best business books for beginners

Here’s an author that talks about having the right approach for your business, which is crucial for the company to thrive or decline.

Most business owners fail because they focus on the wrong things, even though they work crazy hard. Also, they all seem to share the same characteristics. Isn’t that interesting?

Gerber points out that if you want your business to succeed and bring you the life you want. It would help if you focused on creating a system-dependent business, not a people-dependent business.

He will show you how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business, thus making sure to help you grow your business in a productive, assured way.

This might sound a little counter-intuitive with all social media nowadays but the value this book has to offer is priceless.

  1. Setting the Table

Best business books for beginners

While this might be dedicated to hospitality businesses, the lessons showcased in the book can be applied to any business.

Setting the table is a remarkable book that’ll teach you how to create fantastic customer experiences that keep people coming back for more.

The insights from this book will help you know your customers, so you can better serve them, regardless of what industry you’re in.

Also, just a quick pro-tip; the same applies to your employees, suppliers, partners, and everyone that’s tied to your business.

Let’s end this one with a quote from one of our favorite billionaires. We’ll let you guess who it is;

  1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

Best business books for beginners

In his book, James Clear offers a sound framework to help you rethink your daily routine and behavior patterns.

He explains how we come to form our habits and why understanding this process matters for changing old ones or creating new ones.

Clear’s strategy revolves around making small changes incrementally to see significant results over time.

We all know that time is the most valuable resource you have as an entrepreneur. And when you’re starting a business, you need to make every second count.

Atomic habits are more of a self-improvement productivity book than business. Still, its insights are precious to all entrepreneurs out there, whether they’re from the US, India, Kenya, Italy, or anywhere else.

  1. Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

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This book starts a refreshing conversation on what it means to lead effectively. Imagine a world where everyone wakes up feeling inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued, and then returns home with a sense of fulfillment, knowing that their work is meaningful to others.

Well, many leaders around the world are striving to create exact such environments in which people can work together to do phenomenal things.

“If you take care of the team, the team will take care of you.”

Sinek outlines the importance of understanding the qualities of a great leader when you’re starting a business.

Because only great leaders and instill trust among team members, drive motivation and improve performance.

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We are living in extraordinary times where the opportunities seem to be endless. And you can earn money in so many ways that it’s impossible to have imagined this 20 years ago.

This book will seriously open your eyes to the remarkable opportunities of working remotely and how to make it happen effectively.

Fried, along with Hansson, reveals all the challenges and unexpected benefits of this phenomenon that’ll change the concept of work-life balance in your mind forever.

And abusers, we have a video on our channel called the 10 highest paid jobs that you can do from home, you might want to check it out by clicking in the top right corner.

  1. The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki

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In this book, the author distills decades of experience into an accessible, simple guide that will inspire you. And the necessary tools to make that transition into the business world as smooth as possible.

Guy Kawasaki stresses the importance of focusing on critical details at the beginning, so you won’t trip over mistakes as your business starts to gain traction.

You’ll learn, from the art of the start, everything from raising money to hiring the right people, from positioning yourself to creating a brand, from managing a board to nurturing the entire company culture, and much more.

Somewhere along the way, Kawasaki says that you’ll start to feel that this journey is more of an art piece than science.

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Keeping a tight leash on your finances is one of the critical factors that will make or break your business, and this applies to both behemoths, like Disney and, especially, to “new blood.”

Simple numbers show you a straightforward look at the financial side of starting and building a business.

The more you understand the financial aspects of your business, the better decisions you will make, which in turn will make your business successful.

On the other hand, if you don’t understand money, well you, my friend, have a costly hobby, not a business.

  1. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

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It is a book that’s all about ideas. It explores why some ideas, products, and behaviors experience massive popularity, while others die off before they even had a chance to bloom.

Malcolm Gladwell explains that growth depends on reaching an explosive moment known as the “tipping point.”

While there are plenty of elements that can contribute to the concept growing like crazy, most of the time, it only takes a few key people to trigger an outbreak.

If you’re eager to get the book and dissect every part of it, so you can make your idea the next big thing.

  1. Women Who Launch by Marlene Wagman-Geller
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Entrepreneurs around the world face a series of challenges while they try to get their business off the ground. However, female entrepreneurs have a different set of obstacles and challenges that they, also have to face.

That’s true, especially when it comes to funding, which sometimes can be downright discouraging.

Women who launch offers a plentitude of inspiring stories of female activists, scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs who found some of the most famous brands, companies, and organizations that have changed the world. It’s a fascinating collection of biographies that will keep you asking for more!

  1. rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki

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You know we had to include this one! Rich dad, poor dad has become a classic in the business world a pretty much a must-read for any beginner entrepreneur.

It’s an inspiring book that tells the story of Robert Kiyosaki and how he was educated by his two dads to become the great entrepreneur he is today.

The lessons he provides in this book are the right mix of philosophy, how to approach money, how to manage your money, so it works for you, and basic knowledge of accounting, budgeting, and investing.

And in case you missed it, a while back we did a video on Robert and how he made his wealth before becoming the man behind “rich dad, poor dad.”

  1. The Peter Principle by Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull

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If you’ve decided to pursue your entrepreneurial ambitions, you should be aware of the painfully easy ways you can sabotage your business to failure, right from the start.

The peter principle is a remarkable book that will help you understand that no business model is 100% safe with an inclination towards success. And how you can recruit great people to help you out.

Failure can happen in the most unlikely of moments, and entrepreneurs should be aware of this fact.

Support and trustworthy partners, collaborators are essential for success.

  1. Escape From Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim

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In this groundbreaking book, Pamela Slim explores the emotional issues people deal with when leaving the corporate world and the aspects of launching a business.

To help you understand the mindset differences if you’re transitioning from an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset.

The author picked up a ton of ideas into this heavily detailed guide to help you out with this massive change.

  1. Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

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Here’s an author that shares with you how ego can impede learning and the cultivation of talent.

Holiday also, aims to help you suppress the ego early before bad habits take hold, replace its temptations with humility, discipline, and fortitude so you can withstand failure when it comes.

Success can blind even the smartest of people to their faults and create problems. At the same time, failure magnifies the intensity of even the smallest of setbacks making a recovery a little more complicated.

Either way, ego holds you back, and you’ll have to learn to keep it at bay.

  1. 3D negotiation by David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius

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Negotiation is another essential skill that all entrepreneurs should possess. 3D negotiation offers a compelling framework for negotiation analysis, which moves away from the traditional strategies of negotiation.

This book ensures that the right parties have been approached, in the proper sequence, to address the right interests, under the right expectations, and facing the right consequences of walking away if there is no deal.

3D negotiation shows you how an ideal setup develops, along with insightful deal designs That can enable you to reach remarkable understandings at the table, that were impossible by old-style tactics.

  1. Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler

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After many years at salesforce, Aaron Ross created this excellent guide that’s a must-read for anyone in demand generation and sales development.

This book provides a trove of tested ideas for managing and growing your sales in a scalable way.

Going through this book is like having a very satisfying conversation with a sales guru who generously shares their sales, process, results, and lessons learned.

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