Al Jabat Wattaghot Jadu Aur Shaitan Book PDF Download

Al Jabat Wattaghot Jadu Aur Shaitan Urdu amliyat book was written by Ibn e Adam. The book is available in pdf format which you can free download from here. In this book, blessings and prayers are told to avoid magic, Jinnat, and evil spirits. Indeed, the Qur'an protects against all kinds of evil. Every Muslim should recite the Qur'an daily and arrange for the remembrance of God. Click on the link at the end of the post to get a free pdf for reading  Al Jabat Wattaghot book offline on your mobile or laptop.

Free Download Al Jabat Wattaghot Jadu Aur Shaitan PDF 

Al Jabat Wattaghot Jadu Aur Shaitan PDF

Al Jabat Wattaghot Jadu Aur Shaitan

                         Author: Ibne Adam

                         Pages:  unknown

                         Size:  3.11 MB

                         Language: Urdu

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